Garrison Art Center has lined up a series of Cabin Fever Workshops to warm up creativity. Workshops will be offered four Saturdays in February.

Music Workshops

Feb. 1, 2 – 5 p.m.:  A Taste of Jazz-How do they do that? – Bert Rechtschaffer offers a brief history of jazz.

Feb. 15, 2 – 5 p.m.: A Tour of Southern Fiddle Music – Harry Bolick presents on America’s first pop music.

Writing Workshops

New this year are writing workshops for all levels.

Student ink drawing from Experimental Drawing
Student ink drawing from Experimental Drawing

Feb. 8, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Write a Love Poem – Irene O’Garden gets writers in the mood for Valentine’s Day.

Feb. 15, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.: How Photographs Frame a Story – Kathy Curto offers guidance for short memoir writing.

Feb. 22, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.: Discover Your Writing Voice – Susan Wallach helps students find their writing voices.

Digital Photography Workshops with Lori Adams

Feb. 1, Ask the Photographer answers nagging questions about digital cameras and editing programs.

Photo by Lori Adams
Photo by Lori Adams

Feb. 8, Light Writing for all Ages – Playful workshop explores light drawing and photography.

Feb. 15, Still Life Photography & Digital Camera Practice – Get to know your digital camera as you practice with still life.

Feb. 22, Intro to Adobe Lightroom – Learn how this powerful image editing program can change your digital camera experience.

Studio Favorites

Feb. 1, Close Your Eyes to Open Them, Experimental Drawing with Jaanika Peerna.

Feb. 8, Monotype Printing with Elana Goren, a prelude to her spring class.

Books and Boxes by Tracy Strong
Books and Boxes by Tracy Strong

Feb. 15, Introduction to Watercolors with Linda Barboni, a prelude to her spring class.

Feb. 22, Four Books in a Box with Tracy Strong who shares her love for beautiful papers and creative paper folding.

One class, $35, two at $30 each, three or more, $25 each. Members pay $25 per class. Become a member today. Visit or call 845-424-3960.

Photos courtesy Garrison Art Center

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News: Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

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