Military demonstrations and music scheduled
Much as British soldiers did in October 1777, take a boat ride on the Hudson River to Constitution Island for Re-enactment Day. The Constitution Island Association (CIA) and the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area will honor West Point’s Constitution Island role in the American Revolution and the Civil War — as a neighbor to the West Point Foundry for its Sesquicentennial — from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Aug. 23, for the West Point community and the general public.
Re-enactors from the two wars will do tactical weapon demonstrations, inspections, formations, musket firings, artillery demonstrations, camp life, and drills. West Point cadets from the Drill Team will do tandem team performances, and members of the Hellcats from the West Point Band will play military music. Hotdogs and drinks will be available, or pack a picnic lunch to eat on the historic Revolutionary parade field. The event is free, but donations gratefully accepted (by the CIA).
A boat will leave West Point’s South Dock on the half hour from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with stops at Garrison Dock six minutes later. The last boat will depart Constitution Island at 4:30 p.m. For the detailed schedule see The Q-Boat capacity is 35 passengers. No reservations accepted; guests will join a queue at the docks (first come, first served). Visit or call 845-265-2501.