New law will establish website to inform public on women’s health issues
Assemblywoman Sandy Galef announced that her bill (A4465), also sponsored by Senator Kemp Hannon, was signed into law by the Governor (Chapter 342). This new law will help educate the public on women’s health initiatives and will require the New York State Department of Health to establish an up-to-date website that deals with topics pertinent to women’s health concerns. It will provide resources by which women can determine what services are available to them, including details on the 22 preventative options now covered under the Affordable Care Act. It also encourages the Department of Health to use social media as a means of distributing important information to help raise awareness relative to women’s health.
As the Affordable Care Act is being enacted on the state level, it has ushered in a number of changes to women’s health policies. With several provisions in effect and more on the way, it is imperative that women in the State of New York understand these changes and how each affects them on a personal level. The federal government has already established a website for this purpose,, but no such service presently exists for the state. With this law in effect, the state will be able to provide proper educational materials in a timely fashion. The use of new alternative media technologies to keep the public informed was suggested by the National Conference of State Legislatures, and with this bill New York will fulfill that purpose.
“It is important to keep the public informed,” said Assemblywoman Galef. “By compiling all this information in one spot, it allows for easier access. The State of New York has many services and programs to enhance women’s health, and by adding this website we can let women and families know what options are available.”