A campaign spearheaded by Krystal Ford, the recently appointed Climate Smart coordinator for Philipstown, and the nonprofit Ecological Citizens’ Project hopes to draw attention this week to local efforts to fight climate change.
Philipstown Fights Dirty will launch virtually on Earth Day (Thursday, April 22) at 6 p.m. with Supervisor Richard Shea signing a resolution for the town to pursue “carbon neutrality” by 2040. Based on a town-wide greenhouse gas inventory conducted in 2019, that equates to reducing annual emissions by the equivalent of 10,000 metric tons of CO2 annually, or about 1 ton per resident, the group said.
The event will also include the launch of philipstownfightsdirty.org with recommendations for residents to reduce emissions; the introduction of the Philipstown Climate Fund to provide project grants; and performances by Dar Williams and Tall County. Register at bit.ly/PFDlaunchevent.