There was a call for volunteers to help cleanup Tots’ Park in Cold Spring, which had been long neglected because of the pandemic shutdown.

Nearly all of the volunteers who showed up do not have toddlers, their children having grown, but yet here they were. They said they are hoping newer Cold Spring parents will take the torch, helping to maintain and preserve the park, which they called a lifesaver over many years for village parents with small children.

“A huge thank you for keeping that park looking good,” said Pamela Redmond Gunther. “I smile every time I walk past it.”

The volunteers on July 25 were Dana Bol, Kathleen Foley, Andrea Connor Hudson, Laura Soleil Jackman, Karen and Dinesh Kapoor and Paul Mooney (and some of their children). To get involved, visit the Tots’ Park site on Facebook.

Behind The Story

Type: News

News: Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

Corsair was named the 2023 Photographer of the Year by the New York Press Association. Location: Philipstown. Languages: English. Area of expertise: Photography

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