Produce, eggs, meat three days a week
The Farm Store at Glynwood, which sells produce, eggs and meat, has opened for the season, with hours from 3 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday and 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday.
The farm is also open for self-guided tours during those hours. Maps are provided at no charge. The Farm Store is located before the Main House. Glynwood asks that visitors respect the 20 mph speed limit along its entryway.
Vegetable shares in the Glynwood CSA are still available for $365 for a bi-weekly half share or $700 for a weekly full share. The farm also has launched a “bread by subscription” service with Journeyman Bakery for bread to be included with each pickup for $80 for a half share (12 weeks) or $160 for a full share (24 weeks). For information, visit