I have seen a bunch of misinformation flying around town on the proposed Athletic Hall of Fame at Haldane High School. Athletic Director Chris Salumn has tried to clear it up on the superintendent’s blog (haldaneschool.org/superintendents-blog), but I wanted to get the information out here as well.

First, there was never a proposal to remove any of the jerseys that are hanging in the gym. In fact, there are some ideas being worked on to honor them to a fuller degree.

Second, none of the banners displayed in the gym will be coming down. They may be moved and re-configured so they are more visually appealing but all will remain hanging in or around the gym area.

The Athletic Hall of Fame is a way to recognize athletes, coaches and teams that have distinguished themselves throughout Haldane’s rich athletic history. It is a staple in every school I’ve ever visited and it’s long overdue to find its way inside Haldane’s walls.

I would ask that if you hear something on the street or via social media that doesn’t make sense to you about this (or any other athletic concern at Haldane) to reach out to Salumn at [email protected] to get clarification before passing it on. Chances are if it doesn’t sound right it’s probably not true.

Jon Champlin, Cold Spring

Behind The Story

Type: Opinion

Opinion: Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.

This piece is by a contributor to The Current who is not on staff. Typically this is because it is a letter to the editor or a guest column.